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Banned Books week is September 23-29th, so consider reading a challenged/banned book!

Here are two small displays I put together at work:

orange_girl 8 Sep 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Where's the porn

Qiru Level 6 Sep 16, 2018

@orange_girl most women are into gay porn and about women in porn. It's their life and they can choose however to live it the way they want. And the part about ruining people's relationship is bullshit.

@orange_girl who are these researches directed towards ( morons) and are you one of their case studies ?

@orange_girl thank you for not wanting to argue because I don't wanna ruin my night of vandalizing the church down the street. But that research stuff is bullshit, its just an excuse for some people in relationships because they lost interest in fucking each other's brains out, and at the same time they don't want to be alone so they manage to put up with it. Lmmao research studies for human sexuality are more worse than marriage canceling. You pay some fucktard a gang of money only to figure out you weren't meant to be together lol. For the life of a catholic coming to the realization that there is no god. Keep up the good work sweetie, I'm done lmmao ?


Cool! Good idea.

Link: Banned Books in the USA in 2018: Top Books Banned By Genre and Why They Are Censored



Yes, read at least one. I will admit that I like Orwell's 1984.


You have a favorite banned book? As I recall, Twain's family didn't want Letters From Earth published, but that's about as close as I've gotten to reading a banned book - it's fantastic BTW.


Perfect! Everyone should read at least one.

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