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Do you think Donald Trump is a shitty person, a shitty fake president or both?

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snifflz 7 Sep 16

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He is a shitty real president. That is the true horror of it all, he is president.

He’s a hell of a lot better president than that idiot Obama and was a damn sight better choice than crooked Hillary!


i would consider him a shitty person if i considered him a person. i'd consider him a shitty president if i considered him a president. i grant he is shitty, at any rate.



Divide and conquer in all facets of his existence, personal/politics/business. It's all the same to him as long as he comes out on top.


No surprises there! He's a terrible example of a human being and ranks right up there with Hitler and Pol Pot. Oh...and Mao and Nero and Putin. If he thought he could get away with it...he'd probably emulate Vlad the Impaler!


well that seems overwhelming so far


He's a shitty business man, too.


His ego forced him to run. He never expected to win. When elected, he felt trapped. His ego would not let him back out. So, he has been faking it for two years. He is not a learner. He has not learned how to govern or how to delegate. Shitty, I don't think so. Overwhelmed, absolutely.

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