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I was at the ocean today. I was there watching numerous people walk up to something on the beach and walk away.
After about thirty minutes a lady walked up to it and then I saw it was a shorebird. I rushed over to see and she had a Grebe. I brought it home to warm up and recover.
What is wrong with people they can't even bend over to save a life?

Bendog 7 Sep 16

Enjoy being online again!

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People have different ideas about how the natural order of things should work. I doubt I'd take a bird home, but if it was in obvious distress, I would try to find a rescue organization, I think.


Most people should stay away from injured wild birds, as they could be carrying feather mites or diseases.

Besides, it's illegal to take care of injured native birds-you're supposed to take them to licensed rehabbers, but if you pulled it off without getting fined, then so much the better.

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