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Misanthrope. Thank you all ! Because of the camaraderie I enjoy on, I have become less of a misanthrope. I feel better. My sincere thanks to all of you.

Duchess 7 Sep 17

Enjoy being online again!

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So you disliked humankind, or did you mean to say anti-social?

I disliked mankind, people in general. The constant presence of religious people and their insane dogma were getting to me over the decades, to the point where I became antisocial. But finding this group of kindred spirits months ago has definitely improved my outlook.


I too am finding here community.

Good, it’s nice when you feel at home somewhere.


I’m glad your outlook on life has improved since joining Agnostics. If we have helped you that is very gratifying to know! I will, in my small way say thank you . If I have contributed in any way, it makes me happy.

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