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The root of all evil..?

Sheannutt 9 Sep 17

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Because the church is evil, of course. As Ayn Rand said, if money is the root of all evil, did you stop to think what is the root of all money? Money is a medium of exchange of value, and that value is human productivity. By saying that money is evil, you are saying that survival is evil, that life itself is evil. About what you'd expect from a death cult, I guess.


I plan to go to church and when the priest throws holy water I'll grab ny face and start screaming, It burns, It burns while grabbing that spot.

@Sheannutt I think the whole place would be in shock

I was sooo disappointed, I was actually in a Catholic church on Sunday. My grandson was being baptized. I don't really approve but I wasn't asked. Anyway, I was at that church for about 2 hours and was never struck by lightning. Such a lost opportunity 😉

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