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"Every heart sings a song, incomplete until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet."
~ Plato

MissKathleen 9 Sep 17

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Ahh,but finding the parts that mesh in total harmony,a life's quest sometimes,the old saying about having to kiss a lot of Frogs for a Women to find her Prince,is true.


That would be men, who languish without a sexual partner/maid.

Women actually are happier and healthier when SINGLE, according to studies, since they are the ones who typically do most of the work to carry the relationship.

@MissKathleen NOT an opinion. I read things.

"Women are happier being single than men are, because being in a relationship is harder work for women, new research suggests.

According to a study by data analysts Mintel, 61 per cent of single women are happy being single, versus 49 per cent of single men because being in a heterosexual relationship generally requires more effort and labour for women than for men.

“There’s evidence that women spend longer on domestic tasks than men and I think they also do more emotional work - so they still do more housework and cooking and things as well as more emotional labour,” Professor Emily Grundy, of the University of Essex, told The Telegraph.

From spending more time and money on upkeep of your appearance, doing more chores and putting more effort into resolving problems or arguments, being in a heterosexual relationship typically involves a lot of effort for a woman.

What’s more, women are happier being single than men are, since they're better at socializing by themselves and more likely to have close friends.

“Women tend to be better at having alternative social networks and other confidantes whereas men tend to rely quite heavily on their wives for that and have fewer other social ties,” Dr Grundy explains.

“Certainly there’s a common finding from a lot of studies that women who don’t have a partner tend to do more social activities and more friends compared to women with partners whereas with men it’s the reverse - men without a partner tend to do much less of that."

Link: []

@MissKathleen Really? So you are discounting the studies named in the article? So science is an opinon, too? But women who have high levels of male hormones and male traits show the traits described in the poem..they live to be loved, as men do, and only feel alive when with a partner.

@MissKathleen but she's citing scientific studies. How can it be opinion and how can you chill on this? I don't understand what you're saying. She might not even agree with the studies opinion wise. But I like that she is quoting them.

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