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Did Anthony Bordain have the right idea? Life is incredibly meaningless and empty. Trying to fill it is so tiring.

Dogpound9 6 Sep 17

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This is so only if you do not make the most of it.


no he had a young child lifes tough for everyone he had a bad idea and sadly acted on it his child gets to have extra shit her whole life long


we'll never know. we can't ask him. but what is worthless and tiring for one person may be exhilarating and meaningful to another. this isn't an objective matter.



Bourdain lived hard and worked to hide his pain. That can make anyone's life feel empty and meaningless. Took me a long time to appreciate life for what it is, good and bad, and to realize the small things that matter. The way I feel now, life is a mystery I'm here to discover.


I will never understand anyone who has failed to find something about which they are filled with a passion to learn, understand, and explore. You have one chance and one chance only to see everything, learn everything, and do everything.

I wish we could "steal time/years" from those that do nothing but waste it......

"From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
There's far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found..........."


Ohferpetessake. I have had a Damn tough 70 years of life & I wake up every day, complete with aches, pains, scar tissue, and am so happy to see the sun....get a change of attitude, ennui is not attractive!


The universe does not care and there is no inherent meaning to life. But we humans do care about things. And that gives those things meaning.

What to you is worth living for? What is worth dying for?

“Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.” - Horace Mann​


Life is what you make it. Bear with me. You are only given yourself. Everything else is the journey - the QUEST if you will! You have this one very short life taking place in a tiny universe inside the vastness of EVERYTHING! Every sight, smell, sound, touch, taste, or experience is meaningful. Make the journey you want to be walking. This is not some bullshit cliché, this is honest, heartfelt advice to anybody and everybody reading this. Go see the sights,, smell the smells, hear the sounds, eat the foods, drink the drinks, DO the things, and FEEL the feels. Someday all to soon we end. How much time that you will never get back are you spending on things that add nothing to the experience of being you? Live while you're here, there's plenty of time for dying later!


That was not his "idea". All you have to do is listen to his body of work to know that.

He had personal issues. He had chronic feelings of alienation, as a perfectionist probably suffered from imposter syndrome, had just gone through a divorce, realized he was with an asshat GF, and just said "fuck it". It happens, but that doesn't validate your personal despair.

Life need not be so tiring as to not be worth living. And I'm no Pollyanna. Get help and support for that.

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