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Is a fractional number of any group of about 100-200 humans inherently
more abusive, selfish, tribal, aggressive, overbearing and driven toward being superior than the majority of said group? Is such charistic the inherent nature of being human?

weldy 4 Sep 18

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Even animals struggle for dominance-even at the teats of their mothers. Siblings are likely to be in fiercer competition with each other than with any group of friends.

The more alike people are, the more likely they are to compete and/or act superior to each other..i.e., churches that baptize vs those that sprinkle, etc.


I think so. I estimate about 15% of the population. Maybe 5% hardcore.

skado Level 9 Sep 18, 2018

Don't quite understand your question. Depends on the group focus, i club? Everybody tries to get along 1000% Race car drivers...not so much!

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