Perfect Storms: GOD'S WRATH | Full Documentary OR WHY I am an Atheist
i do not have 45 minutes to spend watching this at the moment so i will ask a question: is this one those premises along the lines of "god's nasty and doesn't care so i'm an atheist"? i am an atheist but i don't think people who have this reason are necessarily atheists. if they're mad at god they think there's someone to be mad at, right? that's what people always THINK an atheist is: someone who's mad at god. they seem unable to grasp that you can't be mad at something that doesn't exist, unless you're somehow mad at it FOR not existing.
if that is not what this is about, please tell me. i am guessing based on the title. given my current inability to watch the video that is all i can do. quite frankly, i don't give away my chunks of 45 or so minutes all that easily so without guessing, i would still be asking instead of watching unless the topic interested me terribly to begin with.
res ipsa loquitur
@magicwatch that's a good reason not to believe an asshole like pat robertson, but alone is not a reason to disbelieve in gods. i am certainly an atheist but not for this reason.
@genessa do not wish to annoy anyone, but my point was that God doesn't give afuck
@magicwatch and my point is that saying that god doesn't give a fuck implies that there is a god, to give or not give any fucks. that assumption is counter to atheism, not a reason for atheism. and by the way, yeah i got that even just from the title. i am glad i didn't waste my time with the video.