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It has been raining here in Phoenix for an hour or so. A slow, steady, peaceful rain. It's rare here in the desert, and such a beautiful thing to me. I believe it signifies the end of the monsoon season, and this is our fall.

We'll get hot again soon, so I'm savoring every minute. The windows open, 80 degrees, the lulling sound of a slow rain, you have no idea how amazing this is for the desert dwellers...unless you have been a dessert dweller.

Stacey48 8 Sep 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I have.... I understand.... I remember going on weeks without a single cloud and the Sun mercilessly blasting down.... It's now a faded memory. Enjoy the rain !!


I live there and it never had a good seasonal changes compared to the north.


It was humid when I stepped out this morning, but overall, a beautiful day here in Phoenix. Had birds on the porch, eating from the feeder, the air was clean, and my day off was great!


Lived in your neck o'the woods for a dozen years ... in many ways I miss it. The desert after a rain is indeed very nice, except for the musty / creosote smell sometimes after a monsoon rain, which can be oppressive on a humid day. But a spring rain, and the resulting Cerus and Saguaro blooms and the wildflower outbursts -- that was the best.



I do know. I have lived in El Paso and Taos.

It just started raining here in El Paso!

@MichelleGar1 Yea!


Tucson 1975 to 1980

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