So i have been watching videos of far lefts and far rights ( not nazis they a different lot all together) people arguing about politics and shit . My conclusion the right are just a bunch of children who are greedy and don't want to share . The left are a bunch of children who just want to tell everyone what to do . Barely any of them know how to debate and just call each other names or scream at each other .....we are all dooomed !!!
I find a lot less science denial in the liberal camp than in the conservative camps. So I call false equivalency on this
From what i have been watching teh left have done their fair share of making things up on certain topics . Bare in mind i am referring to the crazies on both sides that are just as bad as each other that are just in it to argue
It is still a false equivalency.
I know a lot of my liberal friends spend a lot of time calling out anti-vaxers.
I can’t say I see a lot of my conservative friends spending a lot of time calling out climate deniers.
Then look at the actual policies that are successfully implemented. What are the actual actions? Better to judge by the actual actions. Liberals still do a better job of implementing policy based on science than conservatives.
I also disagree with limiting your sample size. To what end? What are you proving by only looking at the craziest people? Do outliers give you good data on which side is more pro-science and which side is more anti-science? I say no. Also are the sizes of the crazy groups equivalent? Seems like that is important too if you are going to look at crazies. But I still think average and mean are more reflective of the group whole.
There are some progressive causes I care deeply about...environment, human rights, for example. But I am increasingly disgusted by the intolerant tone of many activists who have declared themselves the political correctness judges and who seem bent on one-upping each other for bragging rights to ideological "purity." There is something wrong with how the U.S. primary process ends up dominated by the Right and Left extremes of each party, and when general election comes along, centrist positions are either no longer on the ballot or have been effectively fatally smeared by the base enough to turn off independents from bothering to vote. In issue after issue, surveys show there is actually broad common consensus among citizens, but our political process buries those would-be options under shitloads of political rancor.
It does, indeed, look at the moment like we're doomed. ?
The right are a bunch of troglodyte, borrow and spend, self righteous, hypocritical assholes.
The left are a bunch of overeducated whining, tax and spend pussies who seek consensus before making a decision. (We see how THAT works in DC!)
Stop watching videos and get involved! Find a candidate that speaks to you... Who shares YOUR values... Who is good for the city/town/country and not just because they can save you on taxes. (For example) Work for that candidate! Offer your support! YOUR vote is important.
And for Dog's sake... Be an independent!
Check out the Libertarian's where logic and reason reside....
Been meaning to look this up but have been reluctant as the person who was representing them was a bit of a dick
@Simon1 You will find the dicks are evenly distributed amongst all political parties as well as all religions and even in the folds of atheism and agnosticism. Never let individuals prevent you from finding out information and learning new things.
How do libertarians address the “tragedy of the commons” problem? How would libertarians address global warming? Most libertarians seem not to think any cooperation exists outside a contract in my experience.
Just wondering what your take is.