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Was just thinking there...the older you get...are you a shaver, trimmer or a total greyhead or a whitehead,..but its still there....I shave

James121 7 Sep 22

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Shave a couple times per week and keep my beard short. Shaved the beard a couple times, only to remember immediately afterwards how round my face is and can't wait to get the beard back again.


my guy is 70. he is bald on top of his head and maintains a full but neat beard and mustache. he has alzheimer's but he still want to trim his facial hair before he goes out for something "important."



I hate shaving. Got a great electric, but i still say bad words whenever.

Been letting my hair get longer. Can i add enough to qualify as what Carlin called "extra hair?"

I do have the Mary Tyler Moore flip happening lately.

I do trim other body hair, regularly. Just one of my things. Don't ya know.

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