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Please read this carefully before responding.

i see there are some sources that i do NOT rely on that say that six more witnesses are willing to testify against brett kavanaugh. i cannot find any REPUTABLE sources that say this. i am not interested in what some youtube host i never heard of has to say, nor what some underground papers say. i want to hear this from a major network, a major newspaper or vanity fair/esquire/rolling stone or at least huffpo/daily kos and the like. i want to hear it from a legitimate source that did its own research and has legitimate sources for that research, and if it did not do its own research, cites legitimate sources. so i am not asking for the iffy stuff, please. if this is true, i want to know it. if this is not true, i don't want to be misled about it. anyone got a good source i missed? i know how to google lol and i am coming up empty except for, you know, the iffy stuff.


genessa 8 Sep 22

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