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What happened to the Tea Party? Deficits are being run up and they don’t seem to care...?

Rideauxb 7 Sep 23

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Tea Party was a . It was to keep the racists screaming about birth certificates why the first black Pres created a kill list!

I mean while not why. ?


The Tea Party was lost as it got started. The people, although with good heart, were ignorant to what the historic tea party was about. And most of those that supported it were hypocrites to the constitution they pretend to want to uphold. Finding it righteous to cherry pick what was allowed for them and not for others, and changing parts of it to fit their ideology. Then the Koch bothers bought it out. Eventually running most of those from the start that didn't agree with the new direction off. With all that said, it didn't go anywhere. All one has to do is take a look at the republican party's actions to see this. Those like myself gave fair warning to what the intended agenda was from the starting gate. And the country as we warned is moving further to the right as we said. But don't be fooled! The democratic party is every bit as responsible also. If you think they are fighting for you you're wrong. They are fighting against you for the benefit of the same people that own both parties.


Good question. All it took for no one to care about our 21T and growing deficit anymore was for the Republicans to get power. Even under Bush Junior the deficit grew twice as fast as it did under Clinton. It seems our only real choice is between the tax-and-spend Democrats and the cut-taxes-and-spend Republicans. Trump has absurdly proclaimed that our deficit doesn't matter because we can always print money, a formula for inflation, and the Tea Party remained silent. We are the richest country in the world with the poorest government in the world. Stayed tuned.


They don't really pay attention to anythign other than what Fox news or some right wing talking heads are saying... so they actually never hear about it.


The Tea Party was a racist response to the Obama Presidency. Its sole purpose was to render the President ineffective by protest deficit spending necessary to pull out of recession, wind down the two illegal wars and improve safety net supports for low income minority groups. Their rallying cry was to take back the government for white older men. The Trump Presidency accomplished their goals and now we are being subjected to a white racist government again. Vote in November to stop the damage being done to our country. Vote them out entirely in 2020.

that's who responded to the tea party the kochs created. that was by design. that's who it was created to appeal to. it worked, alas.



Bernie Sanders keeps posting on facebook about the Republicans wanting to cut taxes even more, while also going after reductions in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. So apparently they think welfare for the wealthy and big corporations is fine, but not for the rest of us.


The tea party has been reduced to a joke (I always thought they were anyway). The republican umbrella is now just trumpski’s party. We are borrowing money from China at an alarming rate to cover his tax cuts to the wealthy.

Borrowing money from China to cover the losses incurred from the "easy to win" tariff war. Farmers were recently told there would be a $12B relief package, of which only 1/2 that amount was released, the other is subject to further review. Still, when he talks about it, Trump only mentions the full amount. And when asked about it, most farmers say they don't like this game Trump's playing, but would vote to reelect him.


The scary black man is gone.


the tea party, purportedly a grass roots populist organization, was in fact created by the koch brothers, who really never did care about the deficit, or much of anything else. their sole concern is to be able to continue to pollute so that they won't have to spend the money to keep themselves compliant with the regulations they hate. it's all about money. to this end, they buy school boards and schools, newspapers and more, in order to keep the populace subdued by religion and voting red.


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