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What would the world be like if people just refused to become soldiers or be put in a position where they would have to kill other people? It seems a very simple and logical thing, just refuse to take up arms against another human being. But there would be no more wars, no more armies, a lot less crime.
I don’t think it is a very honourable thing to serve in the military. You are letting other people dictate to you who to kill, for whatever dark and nebulous purposes, it seems to go against all reason and feeling of neighbourliness.

Denker 7 Sep 23

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Okay if you're going to apply logic and reason all the crazy people out there are going to come after you LOL


Humans (ok mostly men) are violent by nature. That's how we became top level predators. I hope we evolve away from that.

All it takes is a simple decision, to follow non-violence, and you will be better for it.

@Denker me? Oh for fucks sake. Get a life.


you mean what if they gave a war and nobody came? (saying from the '60s.) apparently it is not all that simple, since we haven't yet ended war.


Exactly, what if nobody came? The army is a means of oppression as well, I don’t understand how people can feel it is ok to be a soldier.

@Denker some people (i do not mean all) feel they have no choice. sometimes it's the only way to escape poverty, lack of education and, in some cases, the law. others are brainwashed into mistaking nationalism for patriotism. then there are people who understand that despite how awful it is for us to go charging into other countries, we do need to have a defense against those who would come barging into ours, since they're not enllightened either.


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