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Equality is a sham. Politics and corporations like to pretend that equality is such an ideal, but in the end it merely speaks to the inter-changeability of people, cogs in the industrial machine.

In reality everybody is unique. There is no such thing as equality but instead we should accept the uniqueness and individuality of all human beings. We all have our own vulnerabilities, our weaknesses and strengths, our likes and dislikes. We should make room for these things, make allowance for it.

Denker 7 Sep 23

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equality isn't a sham.. we don't mean identicality when we say equality. we mean equal opportunity. that's quite different.



Yeah, everyone is unique, just like all the others.

I do not think equality is a sham, it is an ideal to aspire to. Just saying that everyone is unique and to make space for it is expressing a desire for inclusiveness to all, which is a form of equality under law and society when you think of it. If we make allowances for all, then in that sense we are treating everyone equally -- as having viewpoints and needs that, while not exactly the same, are exactly as valid.

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