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Why does my ex want a mortgage statement? He hasn't paid anything towards the mortgage in over a year. He says it's for his solicitor to facilitate the money transfer he's agreed in return for transferring the mortgage and deeds in my name. I don't trust him and I'm not remortgaging with that provider anyway!

Josephine 7 Sep 23

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wow, if your ex needs a mortgage statement then he should obtain it through the mortgage provider and not you. Dont be fooled, If its for his solicitor, then the solicitor should be the one to request it from the mortgage provider. Do you have a divorce decree, which should stipulate what the mortgage and dispersal arrangements are, i.e. conditions on the sale of the property if so ordered. Ask your solicitor to also look into your exes pension as you my be entitled to a percentage.


Have your lawyer query his lawyer directly! Or perhaps he can explain it to you....that's what they are there for. You want this kind of stuff in writing, or at least an email (also a legal document)
If you do not have your own lawyer you can call or email his, but the BIG question is, why do you not have one? I had a damn good one (I asked around)....he charged $3000.00, pretty standard here, i get over $1000.00 a Month in alimony for the rest of my life. Cheap at 10x the price!!! Other women who "saved money" by going without a lawyer, or worse, sharing one, got Nothing!


He should not be asking for any papers - your solicitor should be doing that, along with providing the explanation as to why they are needed.


No, but he might be. Check into it. He might be getting a statement from the bank also, or the mortgage lender.


I think you are wise not to trust him.


Let his solicitor contact your solicitor. Thats why they're being paid .


he has a solicitor if they want something they go through your solicitor sounds like bullshit check with yours and get them to log this request if necessary


I would not give him anything without consulting a lawyer first.

JimG Level 8 Sep 23, 2018

Uuuufff... Too many possibilities and implications here. You have to be careful with those things, that's all I can say. Sorry cannot be of much help

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