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Godly Inconsistencies

Say there are three churches in your community. There's the Church of Santa Claus; the Church of the Easter Bunny; and the Church of the Tooth Fairy. Now presumably you could worship in True Faith and Belief at all three of these theological institutions since there are no discrepancies, inconsistencies or contradictions between the trinity.

Now say there are three other churches in your community. There's a Jewish Synagogue; a Muslim Mosque; and a Christian House of Worship*. You cannot now in True Faith and Belief worship in all three because you know there are major discrepancies, inconsistencies or contradictions between this trinity. Now throw in multi-dozens more religious doctrines like Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Quakers, the Mormons, the Church of Scientology, Buddhism, Hinduism, the Hare Krishna sect, Satanism, Zoroastrianism, and even those Jedi Knights. There's probably at least one house of worship dedicated to the teachings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Whew! It’s a banquet.

*Each of which has at least a couple if not hundreds of denominational variations, often major, on their central theme(s).

johnprytz 7 Sep 24

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why would i want to worship anywhere when there is no one to worship?

if there was a church of santa, you know it would proclaim that santa was the one true god and you'd be unable to worship anywhere else. and that would be sad because the tooth fairy still owes me money.


@johnprytz if i thought the donald could hear me i would have a few choice words for him. he might have to look some of them up, though.



All people ever care about is that they fancy they've chosen the one group that is "correct". They never consider the vanishing improbability of that.


Or we could join, and say f#@k all that nonsense! 😉

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