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Feeling good today, about to give it a go at Vegan Spaghetti...I'm suspicious of this Spinach Pesto Sausage... Trying to do things to help my body lose weight since I can't work out like I used to. Wish me luck and Vegans help me out! Or Vegetarians I've been meat free for a whopping 4 days about haha so yeah I did it cold turkey (lol) because I ate actual sausage like four days ago and it literally made me feel SO much worse sick and just blech... so I've not completely made the "veg fo lyfe" pledge yet but I'm giving it a go...I can post a picture of the finished product and a review later when it's done! πŸ™‚

SerenityDarling 4 Jan 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Start just to eat just a little. People that had stomach surgery, like a bypass, can only eat a little at the time. I started to eat meals of not more than 10 oz. Increased fiber with that, and reduced carbohydrates. I already lost 15 kilo's. Vegan is a good part of it, because meat is not so perfect anyway, but pasta's and white bread are all carbohydrate.

Gert Level 7 Jan 27, 2018

I've been doing the weight thing for years; mainly hard core distance biking to burn calories plus portion control and smart choices. But he best thing for weight control if you can't exercise is low-carb. Good Luck!


I’m sure you know this, but make sure to do research about proper vegetarian diet. I have seen many malnutritioned vegetarians because it’s easy to miss key nutrients and minerals with a limited diet. I have seen plenty of healthy vegetarians as well, and I have heard them say that diet is very important, lots of soy, nuts, and beans.

@SerenityDarling there’s a song about what could go wrong. Musical fruit


It's YOUR mind over YOUR matter. Good luck. Although I've cut down over the years, I'm still a carnivore.

I did not quit with the meat totally, but I am very aware of the fact that I don't need meat for my health (just as I don't need cow-milk for my bones). And I am also aware that with eating meat I pay people to kill animals for me. Animals of which I know that treating them well is not the first interest of the farmers that produce them for providing me with a piece of dead cow, pig, duck, chicken, or whatever meat you find on sale.

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