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Reality In Review: Part One

Reality: Basic Premise...

There exists a reality. There is something rather than nothing although why what should be the case is another question other than to say if there was nothing rather than something we wouldn't be here to ask the question. There are IMHO four possible realities we 'exist' in.

*Mother Nature's reality (Really, Real, Reality) where the laws, principles and relationships inherent in the physical sciences rule the roost. How the laws, principles and relationships inherent in the physical sciences came to be what they are is a separate question.

*Supernatural reality where the laws, principles and relationships inherent in the physical sciences can be over-ruled.

*Mental reality whereby you are just dreaming (or daydreaming) or perhaps part of someone else's dream (or daydream). There is a subdivision - the "brain in a vat" scenario where your mental states are being stimulated by outside artificial / intelligent agencies, not natural ones.

*Simulated reality whereby you are just composed of bits and bytes not atoms and molecules. You are software 'living' or existing inside some kind of (computer) hardware. You are a virtual reality being inside a simulated landscape.

Reality and Creation: Basic Premises...

*Something cannot create itself.

*An absolute something cannot be created from a state of absolute nothingness.

*Matter / Energy can neither be created nor destroyed (i.e. - the First Law of Thermodynamics).

However, all things part and parcel of, and associated with an act(s) of creation can be generated as an illusion - as in a simulation.

Reality and Causality: Basic Premises...

*Nothing happens for absolutely no reason at all (i.e. - causality is absolute).

*Anything that CAN happen, WILL happen, given a sufficient amount of time. That tends to be known as the quantum mantra.

*Anything / something that has both an architectural structure and is composed of some substance cannot be in two or more places at the same time.

*There are no immaterial parts to you. That's because anything you associate with the 'immaterial' parts of "You" - consciousness, emotions, self-awareness, personal identity, memory, personality, free will, etc. can all be associated with and affected by physical things.

Personal Note: Because this will be rather lengthy, it's probably best to do this in digestable chunks.

johnprytz 7 Sep 27

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“Supernatural reality where the laws, principles and relationships inherent in the physical sciences can be over-ruled.”

Those laws, principles and relationships are not inherent in science—they are inherent in nature. Science is merely one of mankind’s methods of learning about nature, and that method is limited and imperfect. In other words, the picture of reality presented by science is superficial. There is no such thing as the supernatural, but there is an aspect of nature that we can not understand and that makes no sense to our human minds.

For example, the concept of creation requires the concept of time—at one time there was nothing and at a later time there was something. But according to the latest scientific thinking time does not exist, there are no “things”, and space as we perceive it is an illusion, a crude symbolic representation of the quantum gravity field.

IMO Reality is over our heads. We are basically in abject ignorance. All we know is what we experience—conscious awareness, and we don’t know what that consists of. We don’t even know what we ourselves are.


Before bad sci fi movies of brains in a vat would people have come up with an idea that we might just be "a brain in a vat?" I don't think so. What I am saying is that ideas of our reality are in constant change. We find that change sometimes involving fringe ideas. It means we all will have different ideas.

@johnprytz If they are so set on believing we are all brains in a vat they will believe it anyway. A recent example of what I mean is found in Trumpian politics when I asked outright if the man would change his mind if myself and 2 others kidnapped and tortured him. He said "no." I then replied "why would I keep arguing this nonsense with you and what do I expect to gain?"

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