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I read this evening that DeVos, will start sending ICE into schools. My heart skipped a beat! How can any person be this disconnected to the reality of life? Children exposed to the harm to other classmates is harmed in that process as well! This women surely must know this, she too was a child back someplace! I feel like screaming! I can hear some ‘far right,’ people say, but ‘they are here illegally!’ How can a child be punished because his/her parents are here without papers. A child cannot force it’s parents to do a single thing, to my knowledge! I think this is really pushing me over the edge! When I think about the developmental process of any child being damaged for political purposes, I feel like running screaming through the streets! The repercussions of this child abuse, will last way into the future! This can leave a child with poor adaptation in society! If you speak to a teacher they will tell you how hard it is to teach in normal times, but under fearful circumstances both teacher and students are on edge! I feel the pain for a generation of people! Children deserve to have at least what we now know that is required to raise a healthy child. We can recover, but the scars last a life time! What happened to all the people who cared for everyone, even as they protected their own?

Freedompath 9 Sep 29

Enjoy being online again!

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She's a good Christian, that's what they do...


She was a rich, entitled, white child.., brought up in private christian schools. She has absolutely no idea what it is like to deal with public school, student debt, student housing or anything that us regular people have to manage. She has no qualifications for that position whatsoever and has shown no empathy since her posting by stripping back protections for students that were taken advantage of by fly by night colleges. Typical trumpski administration.

we are having a run on those


Trump surrounds himself with criminals. They aren't empathetic, and as nearly evil as anyone ever.

That is exactly my thought!


When I say America is suffering from a huge problem, people call me out.

I agree, the US is suffering and the Republican party is responsible, because they are taking bribes from the rich to make laws favoring the rich. They wish to remove all social services, such as medicare, medicaid, school lunches, etc., so we will die and quit trying to take "their" money. I say all climate deniers should be tried in the World Court for crimes against humanity.

Do some research to arm yourself with facts,, and if someone calls you out, shove the facts under their nose. You are right, they are wrong. Don't be intimidated.

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