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I work at a public elementary school and they announced over the PA, during school, that if anyone wanted to participate in “see you at the pole” (national day of prayer), it would be happening in a few minutes. I don’t think that was right. Separation of church and state, people! What do y’all think?

JLove3 4 Sep 30

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At least they are now giving kids the option of being brain washed or not, I wonder what percentage did want to participate?


It's illegal for the school to participate or seem to endorse any religion in any way, but without the ACLU around, most people would just let it slide to avoid legal expenses and persecution.


I don’t believe religion has a place in school as a practice. If that announcement is unique, it is wrong and should not be allowed. However, if they would and/or have made similar announcements for club activities and/or non-Christian religions, then the announcement probably does not violate the separation provisions of the Constitution.

@JLove3 probably won’t be and that would be both a pity and make it highly questionable. If the school refuses to make similar announcements for other groups, then the original would be illegal.

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