12 16

Thank you for inspiring me to post this, @BohoHeathen.

I'm not participating in any "blackout".

I DID report. I DID press charges. I DID go to court. I DID testify. He got off anyway.
Would I go through that again? You bet your ass I would.

I will NEVER be silenced again. I was silenced throughout
my childhood, and my early 20s, and it fucking sucked.
I promised myself back then, if anyone ever touched me again without an express invitation, I was going to make them answer for it, one way or another.

When it happened again, I reported it. I took it all the way.
The bastard got away with it. That's not my fault. NONE of
what happened was ever any of fault of mine.

No one is going to silence me. Not now, not ever again.
If people want to think I'm a militant, fire-breathing bitch
from hell, I don't give a fuck.
If people want to think any damned thing about me, I don't give a fuck.

I'm not the asshole who ever put my hands on someone else against their will.

When consequences start becoming immediate and life-altering, maybe then the mindset will change among those who don't think it's a "big deal".

KKGator 9 Sep 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Strong women like you are amazing and inspirational.


I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you for your support, and your
kind words.
It is greatly appreciated and humbling.

I know how I am, and I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea. That's fine, it's
exactly as it should be. I don't like everyone else either, that's how life works.
I do, however, believe everyone has the right to live their lives unmolested by anyone else. I appreciate each and every one of you for responding.
This community is fucking fantastic.


Sorry that happened to you. I admire your courage for prosecuting. I admire your strength to remain undefeated after the system failed you. Thanks for sharing your truth.


solid KK. bring that hammer down!


May your fire breathing keep you safe.


very powerful & encouraging, inspiring even. thank you for having the guts to share. sometimes i think the times when (young) women used to carry a stiletto knife in their garter were more just than nowadays, with all that convoluted co-responsibility shit.


Loud, proud, and unafraid! Loving you, girl!


"It happened - get over it" - that's my personal favorite among the multitude of responses over the years.

Or "It normal for boys to experiment". How about I didn't want to be a fucking experiment? And exactly when do you stop calling them "boys"?

I know @KKgator and I'm proud of you! ❤


Brave and inspirational. Much love


You are inspiring, @KKGator

I don't know about all that, but thank you.


Hear, hear!

Jnei Level 8 Sep 30, 2018

Fuckin A

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