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The meaning of life.

I have studied metaphysics for many, many years. I have also been involved in my metaphysical groups. The best person that I have followed is Ramtha who which I developed my own take on life, the universe, and what it's all about. Here goes...
We are God. All of us. I don;t recall who said it but what was said is that God broke himself into an infinite amount of souls to discover what he really is. On the other side pf life (death), we already know everything.
We are so powerful that we create our life experience (down here) and forgot who we really are on the other side. Down here, we are loaded with emotions and put into learning experiences. What we learn is put into a record book (Akasic?) and then we plan our next trip. I was told by a metaphysical medium some time ago that I have lived over 30,000 lifetimes.
Or...We are down here on 'vacation' to get away from 'knowing it all'
The reason that we fear death is because it is the end of the vacation or learning experience. I daresay we fear the pain more than the destination. Whether God exists or blew himself up to make all us souls is irrevelent. Well, that's my take on the whole God/religion thing.

richabuck 2 Oct 1

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I think you will find that the attitude of most people on this site is that there is no need to believe in anything apart from the real world. But if it helps you to have some sort of framework for you life, then good luck with it. It seems reasonably harmless.

Like I said, it's my beliefs and I don't force them on anyone.

@richabuck No one accused you of doing so, we simply entered in to your proposed discussion of your assertions.


i don't understand why we have to redefine god, which already has a range of meanings all having to do with deities. i'm not god, i'm not part of god. god's not broken into pieces. there just aren't any gods. there's nobody to "put" us in anything. this is life, not a vacation. this all sounds very silly to me.


Just wanted to give everyone a point of view that they probably have not heard before. God, no god, multiple gods are all possible in this vast universe.

@richabuck not really. i see no indication of the possibility of any gods. i really don't. and... actually i've heard this stuff before. i appreciate your intentions, but i still disagree.



I am in basic agreement, especially with your second paragraph.

But get ready for some withering flak from the hard core.

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