3 0

WEll either im a total failure here or nobody uses this service,,, nice*meetin ya'll bye i'll prolly try again in 10rs

SandmanCbs 3 Oct 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Almost 50K people on here. None are going to look you up in the phone book and call....except the fake IRS, health care, and business loan scammers.


i just checked your profile. nice enough profile except that you really can't expect people to look you up in the phone book and call you for no reason -- post, make yourself known so people want to get to know you! in addition, it's fine that you're religious. everyone is welcome here. however, realistically, you can't really expect a whole lot of women to fall at your feet (for a variety of reasons but chiefly for this one) from a site that is pointedly for the irreligious.



care to elaborate? i can't tell, from this post, what the problem is. plenty of people use the site, and i'm not willing to call you a failure, especially when i don't know at WHAT. you might try using tags for your post....


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