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So I went to The Home Depot yesterday and they already had all the Christmas shit out! What a joke. Stores seem to put it out earlier every year. Before long it will be out all year long. Can't they wait at least until after Thanksgiving? ?

CMan 7 Oct 2

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We get to see if Yule had a tide and burn the yule log. The poor merchants. I really hope they have a good season this year coz that's what it is all about. What do you mean Jesus' birthday?


Very little of that stuff has anything to do with Christianity. Let’s call it Yule.


Christmas shit” - that is so refreshing! Right on, hate that crap..

Varn Level 8 Oct 2, 2018

I work in retail and our own Christmas stuff has started to arrive. Most of it is ordered in June for the following season, so early delivery is normal. Yes, it would be nice to enjoy Thanksgiving without thinking of going shopping at 4 am to get the "best deals." In fact, the better deals come with two weeks before the holiday.

Now I have not celebrated Christmas or Chanukah in years. In fact the only time I did celebrate the holidays was when I was a kid and did not work in my dad's bicycle store.


It’s been out in Costco for weeks already. It’s pathetic.

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