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Elizabeth Warren said she'll 'take a hard look at running for president' after the midterms.

"Warren said, according to the newspaper. "And I thought, ‘Time’s up.’ It’s time for women to go to Washington and fix our broken government and that includes a woman at the top."

What do you think? Would she have a shot at defeating the incumbent orangutan should he complete his first term? (he will) Do you think she'd make a good president? Can she undo some of the damage done to this fading republic by the conservatives? Is she a good choice to run on the Dems ticket?

Sounds like she plans on running so whattya think?

Sgt_Spanky 8 Oct 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I think she is more valuable as a senator.


She is to extreme to the left we need a moderate with balls.


i cannot begin to predict. we may have a primary full of candidates or only two or three, and warren may or may not be among them. surely someone we haven't yet met will be, too. whoever wins the democratic primary has my vote, but right now i'm concentrating on 2018.


Midterms...then 2020

@Nichole765 yep. i think warren is wonderful and of course it would be great to have a female president at last, but of those who have actually said they might run, i really like eric holder a lot. but by next year all sorts of things will happen and we'll know better than for whom to root and maybe for whom to work.


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