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Do you support a Louis CK comeback or is he done? He's a brilliant comic, a true talent in comedy, but this talent does not absolve him for what he did. Let's not forget the sexually abusive power he perpetrated on women for years. On the other hand, let's put this in perspective - he didn't rape anyone or destroy anyone's career nor did he lie about his behavior when confronted. He respectfully accepted when he did and quietly went away.

hugh 5 Oct 5

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yeah fuck him and i say that as a fan balance of power came into play and no way is at least he didnt rape someone a positive statement if you reduce the age of the people down to 15 and then look at what he did again ?? yeah women deserve that outrage to so again fuck him


He was abusive toward women and misogynistic in his humor before the allegations anyway, and now it's definitely NOT funny.


It is all in the degrees of wrong doing, the taking of responsibility and making amends, and an honest change (as opposed to the Jim Baker's crying crying appeal to Jesus).
In Louis's case, he is no Bill Cosby or even Donald Trump, and has appeared to be genuinely sorry, and not just for repairing his own image, so I would say that he should be given a second shot, with caution.
I say this with limited information and in not being a huge fan; I find his humor okay, but respect some of the people he has written for more in their delivery.
I am sure this thought is now exasperated by the Kavanaugh "case" we are witnessing; which, to me, has again shown the hypocrisy of evangelicals and the right (as a side note, of course i can't say with a hundred percent certainty anything of his guilt, and inly judge him from his statements, thus I will refrain from making a call on that guilt or not, I will say he is absolutely unqualified because of his political attacks on those who oppose him and his claim of a "left wing" conspiracy and because he straight out lied about his legality to drink at 18 in Maryland. The law had changed by then. He is 53; my nephew is 56. When I got out of the Navy, my nephew was just barely legal at 19 in Maryland as the age was increasing in yearly increments). Off topic, i know, sorry.


I think Aziz and Louie both will be fine.
Just need to continue to express their growth and understanding of their behaviors.


It was all consensual from what i have heard he asked then if they said no he walked away . Its a very thin line to say he was abusing power especially when he asked permission . Im not dfensing his actions just trying to give his point of view as he has been branded with a lot of things

My understanding is that there was at least one situation I heard about that he invited two female comediennes to his room and then proceeded to masturbate in front of them, to their total surprise.

@hugh if that's true then they need to report it . Unfortunately when it comes to these things it's all heresay and the public rarely knows the truth of the situation.

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