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Anyone up for a game of Exquisite Corpse? It's like Consequences, but with the pretentious name the Surrealists called it.

Rules are simple... you get nominated; you write something leading on from what the person who nominated you wrote (100 words or fewer); you nominate someone else. (If you especially like what a previous nominee added, you can nominate them again).

I'll set the stage...

Julia stood up from her desk and went into the kitchen to get a pack of Doritos. However, when she opened the cupboard she was - as we all would be - surprised to find a small goblin, sat on the shelf and munching on the tortilla chips she'd bought only a few hours before.

"You may be wondering why I'm here," the goblin said, in an English accent. "After all, I've stolen your Doritos.Well, the reason is..."

I nominate @Kafir 🙂

Jnei 8 Oct 5

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...because they don't have these in the Nevernever anymore. So, of course, I really had no choice, you see?"

For all intents and purposes, this sounded like a perfectly reasonable explanation. "That is, of course, if I knew why they were no longer accessible in the Nevernever, or what or where exactly the Nevernever is." Thought Julia. A multilayered question, to be sure, but Julia would soon discover the answer, and she wasn't sure she ever should have asked because...

I nominate @OpposingOpposum

That first question led to so many more and so many places I never expected to find myself. I like to think my life would have been happy, quiet and normal if I'd never asked. There is so much I would never have seen or known. I'm not sure that knowledge is a good thing, for anyone.
I nominate @DeeTee

"...and that plant, over there, is a spifflezee flizzer."

"Well, that's preposterous," Julia spoke, "How absurd."
"These names are unlike any I've ever heard."
Goblin had chuckled with malice and glee,
and finished his act with a slap on the knee.

He then wiped his chin and he furrowed his brow,
and he said, "Oh, my dear, you're in my kingdom now,
and these things are named as whatever I say,
but that isn't all that you'll learn here today."

The goblin had laughed as it drew out a knife,
and it said, "Now's the time to run for your life."
Julia gasped and shook her head, "No,"
"What about the Doritos you coveted so?"

It drew up a flask and poured blood in a cup,
and laughed as it said, "I made all that shit up!"...

I nominate @tnorman1236

@MFAtheist So here I am now, in the Nevernever, she thought to herself, so what now? She grabbed the flask from the goblin's hand, and flung it back in his face and ran. The weirdness she saw, she couldn't describe, and the feeling was weird and somehow she suddenly started floating upwards. And up and up she went, until suddenly...

I nominate @AMGT

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