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Well, looks like Kavanaugh is in. Looks like the important people who are in charge did NOT believe the allegations
against him. What do you believe? Any thoughts?

FlyingEagle1952 6 Oct 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I believe these old white men in power stopped being "representatives" a Long time ago and need to be replaced. Vote them out & enact Term Limits!

Constitutional amendment for term limits.


Offering refuge to an American brothers n sisters in UK. We could find a little island in the northsea and build Utopia (bring yer winter woolies though). There was one for sale for £4 million. I have about £3 as a starter to the fund.

I love the idea. It would be really difficult to gain world recognition though.

@Captain747ex we don't need world recognition...we can build a utopia

@Amisja How would we get basic necessities? And what about trade?

@Captain747ex Really?? You need to google self sufficency. I can grow plants, farm animals, slaughter em too. I can fish, SW Scotland is very clement because of the gulf stream. We have grown advocados and kiwi up there. I can weave and I sew all the time. I also knit tat and crochet. In Scotland you are slap bang next to one of the windiest places on earth and in summer you can get up to 15 hours of light. We can brew our own beer and wine, we can make our own entertainment. We already do this at the workers coop I am part of. Internet is available, at the Doon we barter eggs, cheese and fishing time on the loch for other things. We have compost loos and you can easily set up solar showers. I can't think of one other thing I'd need.

@Amisja I stand corrected. You seem to have this all planned out. I still like the idea.

@Captain747ex all we need is the £4 mill 😉

@Amisja Maybe, if we ask really nicely, they would take £5 for it. Wishful thinking, I know. How big is the island?

@Captain747ex it has about 9 small holdings on it, a fishery and a community building. Its been empty since the 1930s. I'll try and find the l8sting

@Amisja Thay doesn't sound too bad. Who owns the island right now?

@Captain747ex I believe the last of the occupants want to buy it.[]

@Amisja It looks like a nice place. I would not mind moving there. I'd like to find the least expensive way out if this country and quickly. I do have a background in aviation.

@Captain747ex Well quickest way would be to find the £4mill and marry a brit!

@Amisja Marrying a Brit would probably be the easy part, the £4 million would be difficult. Also, the move across the pond would be a little difficult.

@Captain747ex nah its only £300 and a 747..we'll have a whip round.

@Amisja Yes, very true. The flight would be fun. I enjoy flying. But, what's a whip round?

@Captain747ex Hmm its Oswaldtwistlian for everyone puts a few £1s (or $s) in a pot until we have enough

@Amisja Ah, I see. Makes sense. I've never heard that term before.


Looks like he will get the vote sad no ones backing up her story they all reckon they believe her some don't. No wonder woman keep quiet on these things my parents only found out about my attack through friends otherwise there be none the wiser x

sunnn Level 4 Oct 6, 2018

Yes, I agree with you. The treatment of victims is horrible.

Well watched the vote on this on news or got distributed by protesters but still went through


I feel like I'm living through the fall of the US that's far more similar to the fall of the Roman Empire than I'd like. If I believed in evil I would absolutely believe that it has been loosed on the land.

I agree with you. Greed with destroy this country from the inside out.


Certainly not Kavanaugh.


Corporate America is turning the screws as the one percent get most of the money and the uneducated are opiated by religion and single issues like abortion and racist thoughts. Or they're coming for your guns. If we wouldn't be so fucked by then, I could be snide when the fascists destroy the first amendment, then the 22nd, then one or two others....... And then number 2, after an NRA deal making manufacturers rich from cops and military contracts and the dumbshits don t realize the NRA has the largest list on computer files of gun owners in the U.S. Anyone doubting a government back door is foolish. No, I am not a conspiracy nut. I hope we survive this shit; this is a possible scenario. Ex Naval Intel.

It wouldn't surprise me. Just look at 1930s Germany. The people loved what was going on until it was too late to do anything about it. Germany started WW2 and then look at what happened. We were saved from destruction because of our geographic location. I don't think that will save us if WW3 were to come about.


I really don't want to live through a civil war.

Remi Level 7 Oct 5, 2018

I agree, who does?


It isn't that they don't believe. It's that they don't give a shit.

@ProudMary yes, that is exactly it right there.

I agree, nobody gives a shit.


I'm not an expert but Kavanaugh looked like quite the liar. He also acted like an aggressive bully who may be incapable of controlling his anger. He is not the type of person that should be on the Supreme Court. They could have easily chosen another nominee who would not be so controversial. Voting appears to just be on party lines without much other thought going into it. The only good thing about the Kav getting voted in is that it will galvanize the voters to make some changes in the upcoming election. Our country is so crazy right now.

They specifically wanted him because he will vote the way he is told to vote. The man has no conscience, morals, or ethics at all.


No Statesmen left anymore, on either side. Its all "power to the party". And " hold on to what you can get, regardless of what you have to do, or how low you have to go"

Statesmanship get you nowhere … ask the Democrats, beginning with Obama..

@Varn you made my point perfectly


I believe Dr. Ford. Kavanaugh lied under oath. He is unfit to serve as a Supreme Court justice.

Republicans only care about power and greed. They rushed Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination and vote before the Midterm elections of 2018.

In an August 2016 speech in Kentucky, Mitch McConnell said:

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.' "

"McConnell was not alone. The 11 Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee signed a letter saying they had no intention of consenting to any nominee from President Obama. No proceedings of any kind were held on Garland's appointment."

Fucking hypocritical, racist, sexist, power-hungry, greedy Re-thug-licans.

Vote Republicans out of office!

Midterm elections are November 6, 2018.


Your passion and intellect qualify you as a Goddess… How can that not equate to an earthy superpowers?

There are some, if not many, who deserve this wrath… you don’t.. Thank you for caring - and sharing… I’m glad you’re here ~


Thank you for your support and kind words. I appreciate you.

@Varn I second that also. The repuks are the most vile of the vilest.


I appreciate your support. Thank you.


So depressing. There's a bill coming up in a week or two in the SC that grants Trump the power to pardon federal and state crimes. His family and friends will get off Scott free. Legal abortions will be overturned. Social Security Medicare and Medicaid will end if Democrats don't gain majorities. Without the sexual assaults, Kavanaughs perjury should have kept him off the bench and disbarred him. Midterms are going to be nerve-racking.

There will be chaos if they take away Social Security and Medicare!!! The assassination of JFK was the beginning of the end for us. It's all about power and money now. JFK may have been a low dog cock hound, but everybody believed in him. I think the guy really wanted to change things. Now they just want to rip us off. But I could be just blowing wind.


I think you 'get it' it looks bad from here

@FlyingEagle1952 I read an opinion that basically said the same thing. This country's decline started with Kennedy's assassination. The decline worsened throughout the Reagan administration and it been in decline ever since. The sad part is all the baby boomers that supported trump will most likely lose their social security and Medicare right when they need it the most. Unless they grandfather them in when the repeal those programs.


I don't think it has as much to do about them not believing the allegations as just wanting to get their way.....

yeah......I agree with's a really bad scene. I don't believe in religious leaders,I don't believe in politicians. I do believe in my mother. That's about it, She's waiting for me in the next world, wherever we go! Moms rule the universe.

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