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I'm curious as to how other people feel about the Republicans shoving Kavanaugh down our throats. I personally think we have shifted more towards a fascist government. Kavanaugh will vote for corporations and against women's and LGBTQ's rights. What's your opinion?

Captain747ex 7 Oct 6

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Very discouraged. Looking towards the midterm elections. Hoping people will wake up.

I hope so too.


I am very worried. More people in government who don't see folks like me as human.

It's not right. It shouldn't matter what the color of your skin is, what gender you associate with, or what your sexual orientation is because we are all human. No one is any better than anyone else.


You are spot on unfortunately.

Thank you.


You have worded your last sentence as an statement. I don't have an opinion, I do have a question though..... Why is he going to vote for corporations and against woman and LGBT rights?

He has often been the deciding vote that went in corporations favor. He has also subtly made comments that he would work to get Roe v Wade overturned. I'm sure he would do the bidding of the republican party to take away the new equality rights of the LGBTQ group.

What, you have not notice what he has been accused of, or you have not heard his aggressive whine.

@Captain747ex I hear you and appreciate you took the time to answer. If he have said sublte comments then my take on that is that it is up to interpretation. I guess it is now wait and see. Thanks

@Jolanta of course I heard the accusations and I did follow the process and the conclusion determined by the experts based on the evidence provided. As far as whining, I saw that as I saw the Spartacus moment, the "I didn't leak it", the whining from others on highschool notebook notes, beer and a creepy porn lawyer saying things like gang rape... A lot of those theatrical clownd should be prosevuted. That's what I saw. Not sure what did you see.

@IamNobody You're welcome. I really don't know what needs to be interpreted? How hard is it to guarantee that a woman has the right to choose to have an abortion if she so chooses? You don't have to agree with her decision because it's not yours to make, it's her decision and no one else's.

@Captain747ex what it's up for interpretation is that you are taking as a fact that something will happen based on what you have already said it's subtle comments. I understand we can keep slicing this one for a while but the truth of the matter is that none of us will solve it here. I asked politely and you answer the same way. Let's leave it at that if possible.

@IamNobody My apologies, I thought you were referring to the interpretation of the law. Also, please forgive me if you thought I was attacking you in any way. I had no intention of doing that and apologize if I came off that way.

@Captain747ex oh no no no, I didn't take it that way. I was just trying to be cautious since everyone is so jumpy on this matters when in reality, we have to do what we are doing here, just talk about it. So, no you didn't came off that way, no worries.

@IamNobody Oh, good. You're right, we do need to do more constructive conversing and less attacking each other. You're also correct that time will tell if our fears are justified.


A number of things concern me about the potential slide toward fascism with Kavanaugh now on the Supreme Court. Given Kavanaugh's views that the sitting president can disregard executing laws he deems unconstitutional as well as his opposition to the sitting president being subject to criminal or civil proceedings, an expansion of Presidential powers with less accountability seems likely.

I can see that. This could be the end of checks and balances.


Yup concerned abut outright facism.

I'm worried for anyone who isn't "Them".

Not one clue how this will all play out on the world stage but it looks awful from here.

I agree. It certainly doesn't look good.


In my opinion fact's are what won the decision.

I don't understand what you mean, could you elaborate on that?


This question was asked yesterday. I have the same reply.


Oh, I didn't notice. I figured that someone probably posted something similar but I wasn't sure. I figured I'd see how other people felt about it now that he is official.


I believe Dr. Ford. Kavanaugh lied under oath. He is unfit to serve as a Supreme Court justice.

Republicans only care about power and greed. They rushed Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination and vote before the Midterm elections of 2018.

In an August 2016 speech in Kentucky, Mitch McConnell said:

"One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.' "

"McConnell was not alone. The 11 Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee signed a letter saying they had no intention of consenting to any nominee from President Obama. No proceedings of any kind were held on Garland's appointment."

Fucking hypocritical, racist, sexist, power-hungry, greedy Re-thug-licans.

Vote Republicans out of office!

Midterm elections are November 6, 2018.


I couldn't agree with you more.

Agreed. I still say that any procedure in the Senate is unnecessary to confirming a Supreme Court nominee, as the Constitution specifies none, unlike in other cases. All that was necessary was for Senators to have officially gone on the record. Even so, the refusal of the Senate's Republican majority to open proceedings on Garland's nomination set a horrible precedent.

@bingst Yes there was a mention today that a filibuster could have been done. Now I'm wondering was no one opposed enough? Or did the Dems not want to set that precedent again?

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