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So when someone mentions religion they automatically think Christianity and stuff like that but people never think about the Pagan religions and religions that cause no harm like Jainism. I'm wondering what people's thoughts are about the Paganistic religions and do they mean the harmless religions when people say they want to get rid of every religion?

JezzahTheFox94 3 Oct 6

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I don't give a toss about religion but get rather irate when so called religious people, no matter of what religion try to force it down my throat.


I am a religious Unitarian Universalist.
Also an atheist and humanist. I don’t think we do damage.

UUNJ Level 8 Oct 6, 2018

I think of religious danger on a spectrum: Some may be more tolerant and allow for individualism. Some might not get involved with law and politics. However, I can't quite agree that there is no danger in false beliefs: Whenever people think they can use hidden deities or magic to manipulate the world, they're not taking responsibility for their lives, the lives of others, their societies or the planet.

And, whenever children are compelled to follow illogical ideologies, damage is being done. Whenever children's lives are limited to those specific members of any , they are losing out on their rights as free people.

So, I tend to think that while there are some sociological benefits to some eastern philosophies, when they cross over into the metaphysical, it's never ok.


There are a lot of religious groups that do no harm. I think many people are in fight mode because they needed that anger and resolution to escape childhood indoctrination. IMO anger is a perfectly normal reaction and is sometimes necessary. At the correct time perhaps that anger will melt away, or there may never be such a time, and that’s ok too.


No, just the mainstream religions, in my case.

For instance, I'm all for most Thai Buddhism beliefs in meditation, unity with the energy of the universe, tolerance, etc.

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