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Will this finally put and end to guilty by accusation? Not likely. The mob is to stupid.

myownmind 7 Oct 7

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what? lets assume not everyone thinks the same way general vague statements are the weapon of the self righteous morons who have already made up their minds and will not even entertain a possibility outwith that


are you talking about kavanaugh? he wasn't guilty by accusation. he appeared to be guilty (there was no actual investigation much less a trial) by virtue of the evidence, including but not limited to the fact that ford gave her information to her repesentative before kavanaugh became the nominee; the notes of her therapist, to whom she had told about the attempted rape years earlier, and likewise her husband; eyewitness testimony from an amazing number of contemporaries of kavanaugh's about not just his drinking but his habit of accosting women, including testimony from a woman who was gang raped at the same kind of party mentioned in the accusation; and testimony from folks who witnessed bad behavior more recently. or are you talking about the continuing slew of unarmed black men and women who are murdered by policemen and then slandered in the cops' defense?


@myownmind can you clarify, because your point was not clear at all. that is why i asked you which you meant.


@genessa Seems there's an embarrassment of buffoonery on the site tonight. If anyone starts to get your goat, feel free to tag me in if you need to.

@PolyWolf lol i just might! though i am not even yet sure that's what this is. i honestly do NOT know which this post meant, of the two possibilities i presented! i wasn't being critical when i said it was unclear. the poster just left it unclear.


@genessa Oh I'm with you. I'm still quite confused as well, and have been attempting to contort my brain around it for a few minutes. Shrugs.

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