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Bullies---TIME'S UP

Workplace drama - Day 2

A young lady from the new hire class walked out crying today. I stopped to see if I could help. Then guided her into a side room and asked what had happened.

It seems she overheard some other young ladies in the class whispering about her. Saying things like she was flirting with the trainer etc. as well as about her appearance. She is a thin young woman, barely weighs 100 lbs by the look of her. I feel she probably has low self esteem and some anxiety problems but this certainly did not help.

Another co-worker walked in to talk to her and I went to get the trainer from the class to join us. I stayed in his class while he left to go see what was happening.

I told his class that they were all young adults now, and not in school any longer. I said bullying is not to be done at the workplace or anywhere else for that matter. I told them they were young adults now, and needed to act accordingly. Then I said this...

The one thing in this world we can do for each other is be kind. Without kindness it makes it really tough to get along in this world of ours. We are all going to the same place when we die. Don't you want to be the best person you can be to others while you are alive?

One fella nodded his head. I knew which little group had upset the girl. They were all ducking their heads, casting eyes to the ground, and not saying anything. Only turning around to each other giving the look like she (me) knows its us. I knew.

I have zero tolerance for any type of bullying. When I see it I'm going to call it what it is, and call them out. No matter where I am, at work, at the store, or school. TIME'S UP!

JustLuAnn 7 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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It takes a village, and we all need to help.

Dwight Level 7 Jan 30, 2018

Being a bully is a terrible thing to be. With that said, there are appropriate times to bully people.

Detail please. I do find it acceptable at any time.

The instance that specifically comes to mind is hitch(Christopher hitchens). I would assume thats enough detail, but he literally made a career being a bully for a great cause. He's bullied his way through tons of people spreading lies and stupidity. Meaning, if you are doing something wrong, and convincing others it's right, if a person has to(or even chooses to) bully you in order to set that wrong doing right, it's absolutely justified.

@irascible above

@JustLuAnn bad people..... especially bad people who are influencial

@JustLuAnn Its the same idea as a debate. Debates do not, and are not meant to, change the minds of the participants, they are meant to influence viewers.

@irascible define "bully"

I'm beginning to think "bullying" is not the optimum word here. What is another word for push back without using "bullying"? /not awake

There is an interesting book about those who rock the boat called "The Lucifer Effect" dealing with herd think, behaviors of people when anonymous etc.

Bullies have a 'radar' for whom they can target and often will leave someone alone if there is equivalent "blowback".

While the lady in the OP may have been having a bad day, under stress, it's not impossible that it's also a combination of her + mean girls in a group = volatility. I'm just going to guess there's a good chance of a repeat on both sides if left unchecked.


a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
synonyms: persecutor, oppressor, tyrant, tormentor, intimidator.


Not once have I seen Christopher Hitchens bully someone. He has been concise and articulate and always respectful. When ridiculed he firmly defended his statements with historical facts always with the intent to educate.

@Betty if you consider intelligence power, I think that fits perfectly with what I said


You may have misunderstood me.
To bully is to gain a temporary fix of superiority.
Christopher Hitchens was imparting information supported by facts to the benefit of others.
Intelligence is power. It can be used to benefit a person/society or it can be used to damage a person/society. It does not fit your example that Christopher Hitchen was a bully. Bullies do not benefit their victims they damage them.

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