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Why does this site exist. There is no such think as an agnostic, and if they think they are, they are mistaken. The position that this takes is untenable. We all know with certainty that the physical manifestation of God is impossible in this multi-verse. We all know what we believe or don't believe because we are ourselves. And most of us here believe no god exists in this place. So be brave, try to understand more, and give out your knowledge as you can.

spacemonkey 2 Oct 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Um, how long have you been here? Great way to introduce yourself.


it is a bit cheeky to come to a site called agnostic dot com and tell people they are not agnostics. you don't know why people call themselves agnostics or why the site exists, yet you join in order to tell us (i say us, although i am not an agnostic, but an atheist) off, to tell us we're mistaken, to tell us what most of us believe when you've been here HOW many hours, and met HOW many of us? how about if YOU try to understand more before telling us who we are and should be, and telling us what to do!



Most Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, whatever are agnostic to a degree as they all have doubt at times. Without 100% certainty you become agnostic. Most atheists also will say that they are agnostic atheists even if they are very, very certain that they don't believe in god. Even Richard Dawkins says he is an agnostic atheist. Believing in no god exists doesn't automatically make one aagnostic.

gearl Level 8 Oct 8, 2018
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