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"It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness"

bleurowz 8 Oct 8

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Right now the Dems need a bunch of candles and I do not see any rising to the demand

you don't? look again -- look on your ballot. vote.


@genessa I have and that is why I am concerned as we are not putting very strong candidtes up for election. We even put one up who just got out of jail after serving 6 years for fraud. I just cannot believe we do not have better candidates running. I will vote for something.

@Marine who is that candidate you mentioned?

did the primaries turn out that badly? i voted in mine. i got my way in ALMOST all of the races, and i can live with the candidate in the one where i didn't get my way.


@genessa Ran for governer Ganan (not sure I spelled it correct) The onthers are weak at best and both who are running for gov.are big money backgrounds.

@Marine what state?


@genessa Ct

@Marine that's what i thought, but i found... you're talking about democrats, right? ned lamont. ah, ganim, that's the former felon. nope, felon's not in the running. lamont is the dem candidate.


@genessa You got it. The same thing has gone on and may still be going on in RI for local offices.Gamin was reelected to mayor of Bridgeport even after his conviction. I would concent to convicts having served their time voting again but I do not trust them in office other than dog catcher and I question that.

@Marine oh especially not dogcatcher!



Unfortunately, the 1% are trying to buy up all the candles.

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