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It's just soo hard to argue with the facts,,, but l'm sure some folks here will try... smh

Captain_Feelgood 8 Oct 8

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How can you not be embarrassed for posting a video this stupid?

Videos like this are why women don't come forward over sexual assault because the worst fucking people ever make and spread videos like this. This woman has been going to therapy for years over this incident and tried to avoid coming forward and your claim is that she's been doing that in the hopes that someday she could discredit him when he's nominated for the Supreme Court?

She's gotten nothing from this but hate and ridicule and he got a Supreme Court seat and you think she's a sociopath and liar? I really hope you're kidding and please keep your stupidity to yourself from now on, it's clearly contagious to some.

Nope. This is the Democrat "reality". The Leftist Liberal will do ANYTHING to derail ANYONE who they feel isn't going to further their Socialist destruction of MY country.

So you know, she stated in her testimony that she sent the letter to discredit him. If Feinstein had brought it to the counsel in the beginning they could have investigated it without Ford being questioned. So you can thank DIFI for that. To suggest vids like this influence rape victims is silly. Anyone that is assaulted knows to go to the police at once. If you want to discuss this, fine. I have as much right to post here as you even if you think it is stupid, so no, I will not keep anything to myself ??

@mattersauce Do you believe in 'due process'? Do you believe a person is innocent until proven guilty? Do you know how many women falsely accuse men of sexual assault every year? Do you know about Mrs. Ford's family's history with Kavanaugh's family? It's kinda funny to me when you call me names like "dumb ass" , or say I'm ''fucking stupid". When you resort to ad hominems, I know you have nothing more to contribute.. Cheers ?

@mattersauce Hahaha... Yeah, OK,, and you wouldn't dare cherry pick your stats now would you? Listen up, Checkers. I do not care if it is two percent, five, 10 or 25. (which is actually closer to the truth) [] If you try to ruin a person's career by lying and falsely accusing them of a heinous assault because you disagree with their politics, you should get the same prison sentence they would have gotten. Now, get back down in your mom's basement and take another bong hit. I have no interest in anything else you have to say.

@mattersauce Haaahahaha.. Good one there Chuckles. Talk about psychological projection!! You take the cake bro. Thanks for the laugh?

@Captain_Feelgood Oh wow, another "fake laugh hiding real pain" and a meme. Big surprise from the GOP camp. No, anyone who sexually assaults anyone should be put in prison, but conservative memes are only for the weak minded to laugh at and feel good about themselves.

I guess as your replies get shorter and shorter that's my queue that you're all done and have nothing else to add other than "LOL" and "bad meme" so I'll chalk this up to a win. Hey have fun with your emojis, videos, and memes, I'll be over her with my statistics and evidence trouncing any other jackasses who post crap like yours. Learn to tell lies from truth, you'll be better off for it.

@mattersauce Oh man, you are too damn funny. (not to mention a bit narcissistic) You should take that act on the road. So you have the evidence you say, but when l ask you for the evidence for his assault, there's nothing but chirping sounds. So by all means, what evidence is there? Its folks like you that makes it easy to understand why people are leaving the democratic party in droves.

@Captain_Feelgood It took you 2 days to come up with another lie? You never once asked me for evidence of his assault.

However, the evidence would be her therapist's notes that were taken regarding the incident years before 2018 and that she took a lie detector test regarding the event. In addition she prodded the FBI to do an investigation of course when they did it, they were given only 4 days and limited in scope by the White House not allowed to talk to the witnesses. Remember when Kavanaugh didn't want to have an FBI investigation at all and refused to take a lie detector test? I'm sure it's not because he was hiding anything right?

Find someone else to lie to, I really thought after 2 days I was done with your bullshit. You can't make a case, you can't refute a case, and you sure as fuck don't find this "haha, I'm funny" but keep typing it and maybe someone will believe it.

@mattersauce Dude, I have a life. l am not on here every day all day like you.. AND SO YOU KNOW, HER CLAIM IS NOT EVIDENCE ... why can't you get that in your head. Seriously there chuckles, BUY A CLUE!

@mattersauce Oh yea, and so you know, she admitted to Congress that she did not name Kavanaugh at any of her therapy sessions

@Captain_Feelgood Please, you have no life listen to yourself. You're just stupid and slow.

Right, and why did she have those therapy sessions? Why did she choose to put herself through hell death threats and mockery to accuse this man of sexual assault? You're so fucking stupid, please post another Washtington Times article, haven't seen enough of those from conservatives.

@mattersauce ???????OK.. Here you go [] bwaaaahhahahahahahaha???? "your so stupid" you crack me up buddy .. Listen. ...l couldn't care less why she says she needed therapy, maybe she did get molested as a kid. The fact is she is a radical left winger that hates anything Republicans do and would be willing to do anything to disrupt them. If seven fbi background checks did not catch it, it most likely did not happen. End of story

@Captain_Feelgood First off it's "you're" I literally wrote it twice above and you still can't get it right. You're so fucking stupid is the most accurate thing I'll say all day.

Secondly, you don't know her in the slightest, you've watched some right-wing nutjobs (of which you are one) spout some bullshit to you and you bought it, and now you're back with "The fact" and "radical left winger" and "End of story" and endless emojis along with your "fake laugh hiding real pain".

You've got nothing to go on and the worst thing is that you think you've got a strong case. You actually think you know her and what's in her head. You're all filled up with right-wing-nutjob propaganda and can't even tell the difference. The more we go back and forth the worse I'm starting to feel about myself for ripping you up as you don't really know what's happened to you.

@mattersauce Okay there grammar nazi chuckles ... Like you two grew up together or something.. I guess you know her real well and know what is going on in her head. Let me know when they find some evidence and then we will talk about it. Cheers ?

@Captain_Feelgood They did already. I know that continuous lies are the GOP mantra, but he did it. There's no fucking question, the Republicans put him on the Supreme Court anyhow, just like how it went down with Judge Thomas. I'm sure that's a tough one for you, he's black so he must have done it, but his accuser was black AND a woman so she's got to be lying.

Guess why Kavanaugh is the hard push when there are so many other conservative judges out there that could have had little to no trouble getting on the bench? He's one of the only potential judges in America that thinks a United States president should be allowed to pardon himself if convicted of a crime. You're a fucking puppet. Bye now.


Shes either lying, or she dreamt the whole thing and began to believe it during hypnosis.

gater Level 7 Oct 8, 2018


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