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I'm seeing if I can load videos

Prhjr Level 5 Oct 8, 2018

Nope, no videos ☹


Nice fodder for creativity here, but I have a prediction. There are going to be a lot of bored people coming on this thread putting their 2 cents in that they don't get it, don't like it, not into it, blah blah.
You know, like if someone likes chocolate there are people who just have to show up to say how they were never into it. LOL
Also, likely those in the closet will not tip their hats with a like either. Just saying.
But... I see similarities between my foot shape and the shot with sprinkles and the white toenails in the tub. LOL

Preach it girl. I knew it was going to be negatively take by some. I just hope that they are respectful or I will send them a crap load of religion stuff. Lol. Maybe some closeters will come out because this forum is wide spread so they may not have someone that knows them close by. Thanks for the response and input. Haters will be haters but they have their own kinks.


Does this mean you have a foot fetish

Yes but only females. Sorry dude. Lol.

@Prhjr i have absolutely nothing against this .i was just curious

@richiegtt alls good my friend.


It's not for everyone. You may like stuff that I don't get but I'm going to be respectful and say each to their own.

Prhjr Level 5 Oct 8, 2018

I don't get it.

It's not for everyone. You may like stuff that I don't get but I'm going to be respectful and say each to their own.

This is a little sweetener for you. Lol. Just joking. Thanks for your input tho

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