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What is the meaning of life for a godless man/woman/country/world??

Athian 3 Oct 8

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It means i do not have to grovel in front of some vengeful superbeing, nor worry about "original sin" nor being judged by someone who allows child rape wars, & starvation. It means i can keep my money for charities that actually Do something, or,,hey, ACLU, anyone? It means i can sleep in Sundays. It means i can take credit for my own actions, like being kind & helpful to others. I can vote my conscience! I could go on here......


"The" meaning doesn't exist. Plenty of "meanings" exist, according to each person's inclinations and interests.


Leaving the world a little bit better than you found it.
A duty to my descendants.


What would be the meaning of life in a world with a God? Following God's will? Why not opposing God's will? Some religions argue you have free will, so you would have to choose the meaning of your life anyways. And if you don't have free will your life is predetermined and the whole concept of searching for a meaning becomes obsolete because everything turns out the way according to plan no matter what you do.
So whether there is a God or not, the question of meaning is a separate question. It just makes no difference.

Dietl Level 7 Oct 9, 2018

it is an individual thing, as always. why would one need a god for that?



That is a question that I think only you can answer. We all determine what our purpose is.


Same as for anybody else.

skado Level 9 Oct 9, 2018
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