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Are there any special purpose in our life other than eating, drinking, sleeping, making merry, quarrelling, amassing wealth, criticising others and such other silly things?

Noyi 6 Oct 9

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You need to supply your own meaning aside from all the biological requirements. The Dalai Lama suggests that helping others provides meaning, and if that's not possible, don't harm others.


Yes we can choose to be useful to others and try to make the world happier.


You cover the bases pretty well, though others should probably be added... It is the percentages of how and where we spend that time that defines us.


Each one of us is the universe experiencing life for a short time. That is our purpose.


The contemplation of belly button lint and its place in the universe we live ?


We allow the universe to know itself.


An even better response from Jerry Garcia!

When I was just a little young boy,
Papa said "Son, you'll never get far,
I'll tell you the reason if you want to know,
'Cause child of mine, there isn't really very far to go"


Is this a trick question?

No. Not at all.


With or without special purpose, it is a one way deal


I create art and music and literature. These things enrich those who view, touch, and listen to them. They are not about money, food, drink, merriment, criticism, or quarreling. Each one affects those that come into contact with them on an individual, personal, emotional level. I only hope they are enjoyed and speak to a person's sense of joy. If they aren't? At least I did what I could. I tried. I made. I gave.


I don't think so personally


Well, there could be universal purpose and local purpose. Local purpose could wind up contributing to a universal purpose, but I don't see some grand scheme that humans are playing a part in. Even if we have a local purpose playing a part in a bigger scheme, there really isn't a way for us to figure out the universal purpose. Either I'm just not privy to that grand scheme because of my limited thinking ability and also being one of the subjects in the "experiment" with no knowledge of anything outside of my immediate local environment or existence or perception, or there isn't one.


The fundamental purpose of all life is propagation.

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