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If you are afraid

HippieChick58 9 Oct 9

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One in three women have or will experience some sort of sexual assault in their lifetime. One in seven males will experience some sort of sexual assault in their lifetime. Most perpetrators are male. These are factual statistics. False reporting, like voter fraud, is statistically low.
Also, many perpetrators will offend more than once. Sexual predators have one of the highest recidivism rates of any crime.

this is so true and most sexual attacks (with victims both male and female) do not get reported. The shame and trauma of reliving it is just too hard. Especially if you're not believed. For a president to actually mock a woman reporting an attack (even if it did happen to be a false accusation) shows a complete disregard and disrespect for genuine victims but also to the office he holds. He is the President of USA but doesn't even TRY to act with dignity.


Exactly. My daughter has 4 daughters.

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