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New sex scandal. Jehovah Witnesses lose case in Montana for 35 million for not reporting and covering up a rape. Not well publicised but apparently there are a number of similar cases going on. And Christian leaders claim they are under attack. Just like there isn't a national data base for police abuse, there isn't one for clergy and churches either. Do we need these things and public clarity? I say yes.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Oct 10

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this is endemic to jw. i have that from someone i know who has escaped from her jw family. i don't know whether she has also escaped jw.



I'm so pleased to see penalties imposed that will make these organisations re-think their policies. I had read years ago that that the Watchtower HQ had the names of thousands of abusers in their files but refused to hand them over. Their two witness rule should not subvert secular justice. If the law demands that sexual accusations belong in the criminal justice system, the police would have the files without depending on the goodwill (demonstrated to be nil) of religious organisations.



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