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I am so tired of listening to self entitled pompous rich old white men. The sound is killing me

Bigwavedave 8 Oct 13

Enjoy being online again!

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You've been listening to Joe Walsh again?

Thanks for this one???


I really hope the young people in this country realize that they (and their interests) are not being well represented by said "self entitled pompous rich old white men"......and they have the power - just by the sheer numbers of them - to bring about change. Get out there and vote this November!!

Can't be said often enough. Thank you


Isn't that a racist statement? Certainly a prejudiced statement.

It was a broad generalization with a large amount of self deprecating humor intended.

For reference listen to Donald trump , or mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz insert name here.

@jorj When complaining of inequalities how does 'fair play' enter into the discussion at all? @Bigwavedave lists names of those who have it easier than most and are still whining and complaining. These videos lay it out better than I can:

And I think she's even better:

When someone calls out folks for 'reverse' racism or sexism let's just have a reality check like she did in her song or maybe even just go over some of the economic numbers of who actually is advantaged. Who is vastly overrepresented in power and wealth and why? Do folks who look like me and you just work harder and are smarter while those 'others' are just lazier and stupider? Or is something else going on and their complaints have some merit? I'll listen to someone with a legitimate gripe rather than those mentioned by Dave.

@kmdskit3 thanks for this, good response!

@kmdskit3 good finds indeed,

@Killtheskyfairy and @HankSherman Thanks for the support.

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