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The army of a World Government ? How many of you would join , fund or just support a fighting force that would be the first step of solving the problems of the world without allegiance to any country and so that effective world government could be established? There would have be previously established a neutral homeland and fantastic conditions, insurance and pay. Also the right of all countries to refuse the acceptance of any any of their citizens into the ranks.

Improbable perhaps, but one can dream?

Mcflewster 8 Oct 14

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Served enough time wearing the US Army uniform. A world government? Controlled by who? The plutocrats? No.

I am not thinking about this as a reality for a very long time and there are many problems to be overcome, but how do you feel about it as am AIM?

Controlled by the people of course. Handing responsibility over to the whole population of the world is the ultimate test of democracy - so let us improve democracy to the hilt in our own countries first. Yes I know this is an idealistic thread, but it is a more realistic aim than heaven or others put forward by religionists.

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