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Turn you phone of for 20 minutes a day, or better still leave it at home. See if you can do it.

Jolanta 9 Oct 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Saw a two and a half hour interview of Elon Musk on Joe Grogin. Elon said to remove social media (except text/email) from your phone. He said we already are cyborgs. It's just the UI is extremely slow.


only 20 minutes? i don't use it that much. i have a laptop. i rely on my phone for messages as my landline is plain vanilla, no voicemail. i can check my messages with google voice; they come through as email. but the main reason for my cell phone is to keep track of my guy, who has alzheimer's. i just bought him a phone. when it arrives, i will feel less worried when he goes to the doctor or elsewhere.



It’s liberating!! Too bad people think you’re dead if you don’t respond timely ?. I do it occasionally to keep others on their toes.


I've left my phone at home many times. The vast majority of the calls I get are work related so If I don't have the phone, little loss.


Not a problem--being from the era where if you weren't home you missed the call and if they want to talk to you they'll call back 🙂

lerlo Level 8 Oct 14, 2018

Remember how stressful it could be meeting someone before cell phones? If your friend was late you had no way of knowing what happened. Or if you were the one that was late because you didn't get the meeting location down right, or perhaps traffic was bad.

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