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We are talking the continent of Africa. A white boy gets raised by monkeys... he grows to be a man... why he shave? and of course he finds in Africa an available white woman his age, his dear Jane... It is just me or Tarzan is Ridiculous. And while we are at it... Why the Flintstones celebrated xmas? Or why there were no blacks in the Jetsons?

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Oct 15

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Tarzan may have been born with genetics to not grow facial hair.. Or his genes could have adapted to the heat and humidity and turned off the genes for body/facial hair aside from some peach fuzz. And Jane was a researcher studying apes and just happened to be studying his "clan".

Come on, Tarzan was the son of a lord. Genetics my ass... My genetics do not grow facial hair... I still have to shave!!! Have you ever been to South Africa? Genetics!!! Hogwash!!!!


The reality we face now has finally tipped you I see. lol


Ummmmmmmm.... What? Lol seems like you are basing your world view on cartoons and fiction....

You mean tarzan is not real? How about the Flintstones? I know the Jetsons are coming by 2055!

@GipsyOfNewSpain Tarzan not real. Flintstones are real, they made their own cereal lol

@Cutiebeauty I knew it!!!! And the jetsons one day will be real!!!!

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