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Missed you folks. You're worth knowing.

PolyWolf 7 Oct 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I was beginning to have withdrawal symptoms due to not being able to access site. PolyWolf I tried accessing it through Chrome and Safari but it didn't work for me. 😀


You're worth knowing too!


was agnostic dot com down all day for you too? i thought maybe it didn't like me anymore!


That's how I took it, too, but then realized otherwise!

@PolyWolf i finally got the bright idea of trying to open the site in firefox and it opened right away. so i refreshed the chrome page and lo and behold there it suddenly was, after being down ALL day. it needed a kick but i am not sure what kicked it.


@genessa Spoiler alert: I kicked it. I always am the one who kicked things. I'm that guy. All the time I walk past buckets and come this close to kicking out of habit.

@DoDapper lol well then why is it my toe that hurts?


@genessa I don't know about toes. My kick got a little sloppy and I bashed it more with my poor shin.


awwe! <3

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