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Hey... news today, transgender woman wins women cycling championship...Lol....for every action there is a reaction...women claim race unfair...Any comments ?

onan180 4 Oct 19

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I am old enough to remember watching Caitlyn Jenner, AKA Bruce, win the 1976 Olympic men's decathlon.


Hmm? Your question sounds douchey. Just sayin’...?

sounds like you're confused on what to say


Not only is it unfair, it is also unhelpful to their cause. It reminds me of the Gay Pride Parade news coverage when I was a kid. The flamboyant guy with the colored afro, tight short shorts and crazy Elton John sunglasses who was always rollerskating and lewdly gyrating for the camera every year got all the attention and set the movement back at least 20 years but, he got his 15 minutes of fame. The sensibly dressed, well spoken marchers (the vast majority) were largely ignored. Outlandish or selfish behavior won't help the transgender cause either.

@PalacinkyPDX My son is not Trans but he is gay. I'm sorry if I believe in truth and justice. Please don't call me a Christian. I am New Thought. I am not even sure Jesus existed. Oh by the way without the support of straight Liberals like me, Trans gender would still be illegal. Know who your friends are, because you won't last long without us. Same goes for Pro Choice women. I support them as well.


Yeah thats a tough area. For people who have gone through puberty as males, they will have a different physical make-up than biological females.
I’m all for letting people decide how to identify themselves but not sure how the rules should apply for physical competition. It’s the same question as it is with the whole bathroom debate - who should decide? Should it depend on your drivers license? Your genitals? Your DNA?

seems easier to say...if you have a penis go in here. if you have a vagina go in its was a lot easier when we just shit in the woods

yeah I agree it should @Renickulous

I concur! I have read a few things about Caitlyn Jenner, previously known as Bruce Jenner.

@Renickulous for sports, particularly professional or Olympic sports, that is probably the best standard.

@onan180 I mean, maybe, but whose job is it to check?

@PalacinkyPDX that is the question I asked, right? How do we decide? I also met a person who strongly resembled Rodney Dangerfield who was identified as male at birth, but identified as a woman and later had that confirmed by a DNA test. So, it’s not simple.

@PalacinkyPDX they must have SOME standard though?

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