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Don't be afraid of shark attacks (which kill about 4 people a year). There are much better reasons to blow out of proportion for being terrified of swimming in salt water!

DoDapper 8 Oct 20

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Are we having fun yet ?


i was stung by jellyfish in mexico

Did you die?

@DoDapper no, but i had tiny red welts on my arms

@coralisthree - That's kind of like dying.

@coralisthree - Like everyone who meets me.


@coralisthree - And therefore dies a little. On the inside.

@DoDapper thimble jellyfish, aka, sea lice

@coralisthree - I can't tell if that's a real photo or a screenshot from Finding Nemo.

@DoDapper it's a real photo

@coralisthree - Cool. If you saw my health messages, I'm no longer consistently able to differentiate life from animation, though that applies most of all to faces.

@DoDapper i did

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