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Why can't people (especially newsreaders) pronounce certain words? "Vulnerable" for instance. It's not "vunerable" you morons. And don't get me started on "nuclear".

Halfempty 5 Oct 21

Enjoy being online again!

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A good example of an individual that is a champion of mispronunciation is Al Sharpton .He is hilarious.


One of our local newsreaders actually pronounced "Newfoundland" and New-FOUND-land.


It often strikes me as β€˜Archie Bunker speak,’ if it sounds close, and you know what they mean - it’s good enough πŸ˜•

Varn Level 8 Oct 21, 2018

Damn it. I read that four times and was sure I saw that missing "L" the first three.

Personally, I'm not familiar with that mispronunciation, but I hate hearing "could of" enunciated to clearly separate it into two words. Reading it is worse.

JimG Level 8 Oct 21, 2018

How about the inordinate use of the word iconic recently??? And 'meantime' as a segue???? heavy sigh



skado Level 9 Oct 21, 2018



How well I remember. But let’s give the guy a break. He was just trying to put food on his family.

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